
Helpful tips, stories & news

The Importance of Exit Planning for Small Business Owners
Llew Jury Llew Jury

The Importance of Exit Planning for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, you may not be thinking about exiting your business right now, but it’s important to have a plan in place. Whether you plan to sell your business, transfer it to a family member, or simply retire, having an exit plan can help you maximise your return on investment and ensure a smooth transition.

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The benefits of a people-first culture for business growth
Llew Jury Llew Jury

The benefits of a people-first culture for business growth

A people-first culture is one that values the well-being, development, and growth of its employees above all else. It's a culture that prioritizes diversity, inclusivity, and teamwork. This type of culture can lead to significant business growth, as happy, engaged employees are more productive, committed, and innovative.

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How to maintain culture during rapid business growth
Llew Jury Llew Jury

How to maintain culture during rapid business growth

Rapid business growth can be an exhilarating ride. Sales are up, the future looks bright, and the possibilities seem endless. However, as your business grows, you may face some unexpected challenges - including the risk of losing the unique culture that made your company successful in the first place.

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